CaraMengatasi The File Or Directory Is Corrupted And Unreadable Cara mengatasi the file or directory is corrupted and unreadable Terbaru / By Sarah Pada pembahasan kali ini saya dapat sharing informasi perihal Cara Memperbaiki Flashdisk "The Disk Structure Corrupted And Unreadable, informasi ini dikumpulkan dari beraneka sumber jadi mohon maaf Dalamhanya beberapa langkah Anda dapat memperbaiki berkas Rusak Outlook PST karena keterbatasan ukuran. Langkah 1 Scan dan mencari korup file Outlook PST dari drive lokal. Langkah 2 Semua korup PST daftar file di bagian hasil, pilih semua untuk memulai proses perbaikan. Langkah 3 Preview file Outlook PST diperbaiki setelah berhasil diperbaiki. Adajuga software yang dikhususkan memperbaiki tipe file yang lebih spesifik, seperti MP3 Repair Tool dan Digital Video Repair. Ubah Format File. Sebelum kamu panik karena tidak bisa membuka file yang kamu inginkan, coba kamu buka file tersebut dengan format yang berbeda. Misalnya, file yang corrupt dalam format .docs. Kamu dapat mengganti formatnya menjadi pdf agar dapat membukanya. tipspsarena#8002F225#ps3errorcodeMENGATASI PS3 ERROR CODE 8002F225PES 2021 PS3 . Salam hangat dari Hamdan. Kali ini kita akan periksa beberapa permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada Console PS3 kita dan saya tulis sejumlah tips disini kerjakan menguasai masalah tersebut, beberapa masalah bisa kita atasi sendiri minus harus melakukan servis atau pembongkaran console. Mari kita bahas permasalahan tersebut 1. BlueRay Disc & Game tidak berfungsi Kaset CD atau Game yang diinstall tidak berjalan Kebanyakan nan mengalami masalah ini dikarenakan antara lain lensa BlueRay dalam sistem kotor / tertutup debu, atau Game yang diinstall di Hardisk PS3 kita Corrupt, dan peluang terburuk kanta BlueRay nya terbakar. Langkah-langkah Mengatasinya Bersihkan console berusul debu dengan menggunakan radas pembersih nan lembut. Pastikan putaran aliran udara console lubang-liang pada console nan berpotensi termasuki tepung dibersihkan Untuk memperbaiki data game yang corrupt n domestik hardisk PS3 kita bisa kita lakukan dengan prinsip membuat console PS3 ke dalam Recovery Mode prinsip nya ada dibawah. Karena intern Recovery Kecondongan console berlambak dalam keadaan minimum kesatuan hati & juga hanya menunggangi sedikit aliran listrik utuk meninggalkan kerusakan. Saat Recovery Mode Pilih opsi nan KETIGA. Melembarkan opsi tersebut tidak akan menghapus data kerumahtanggaan hardisk kita, tapi console akan mengecek keseluruhan data yang disimpan dalam hardisk dan mencoba menemukan data mana yang corrupt, jika sudah ditemukan maka console sesanggup mungkin akan memperbaiki data corrupt tersebut. Proses ini akan gado periode yang lama, saya sahaja harus menunggu sekeliling 2 jam bakal console saya mengecek ke dalam hardisk nya. Setelah console menemukan data yang corrupt misalnya save data nya corrupt maka console akan mencoba memperbaikinya, tapi tidak semua data corrupt bisa diperbaiki koteng oleh console, takdirnya data tersebut tidak bisa diperbaiki maka TERPAKSA kita harus menghapus data yang corrupt tersebut. Jika menghapus data corrupt nya masih belum boleh mengatasi ki kesulitan ini maka TERPAKSA LAGI kita harus memilih opsi yang KELIMA saat Recovery Mode. Opsi ini AKAN Menyetip SEMUA DATA Internal HARDISK. Jadi sebelum memilih opsi ini copy dulu semua data hardisk engkau ke kerumahtanggaan USB. Menciptakan menjadikan PS3 KE DALAM RECOVERY MODE a. Bunuh Console PS3 tapi jangan cabut jack kabel nya colokan nya tetap beraliran listrik b. Tekan dan tahan tombol power, PS3 akan menyala tetap tahan dan jangan lepas tombol power PS3 akan kembali mati c. Setelah console mati barulah maaf tombol power nya. d. Tekan dan tahan lagi tombol power & akan terdengar bunyi beep sekali.. tetap tekan sampai terdengar bunyi beep 2 siapa kembali. e. PS3 akan masuk ke dalam Recovery Gaya, akan muncul menu di cucur. Untukv memilih silahkan koneksikan Stick menggunakan benang tembaga USB dalam Recovery Kecenderungan Stick lain bisa Wireless Jika masalah tak terselesaikan dengan solusi diatas maka prospek lensa terbakar dan harus diganti. 2. Console PS3 Terlalu Semok Overheat Ps3 punya sistem pengaman dimana console akan kodrati mati sekiranya berlebih panas dan lain bisa dihidupkan kembali kecuali setelah 30 menit keadaan console sudah tiba dingin. Untuk menghindari hal ini bikin langkah-langkah sebagai berikut. a. Pastikan console tidak ditaruh di tempat yang tertutup sebagaimana di Rak yang tidak ada sirkulasi udara udara nya. b. Seandainya kita bermain di kamar maupun kolom nan tertutup dan kurang ventilasi udara maka sebaiknya kita menggunakan kipas angin nan idarahkan pada console agar kontributif mencegah panas rembet ke sistem. c. Opsi nan formal dikeluarkan sony ialah dengan menggunakan Cooling Stand, Cooling Stand adalah dudukan PS3 sebaiknya console bisa ditaruh secara vertikal agak kelam dan ada kipas nya juga yang berfungsi mendinginkan, kipas ini menunukan dengan bantuan konektor USB nan bisa kita pasang di pelecok satu lubang USB di console PS3. Mujarab dengan camar duka saya memperalat Cooling Stand main 24 jam tanpa mengetem pun PS3 bukan overheat. 3. Kabel HDMI Bukan Berfungsi Tidak ada Susuk dan Celaan di TV Permulaan yang harus kita lakukan adalah mengecek kabel HDMI nya, apakah kabel masih dalam keadaan baik? Karena cak semau kemungkinan telegram terbakar alias berkarat sehingga enggak dapat berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya Sekiranya sudah lalu dipastikan kabel baik-baik sekadar maka pastikan lagi port colokan kabel HDMI di console juga intern keadaan baik Jika fasad puas kabel atau port kabel HDMI maka mau tidak ingin harus mengganti dengan yang baru, seandainya kita baru menggunakan kabel HDMI maka ikuti langkah berikut a. cabut semua benang tembaga Audio & Video di TV selain kabel HDMI TV hanya terkoneksi dengan benang besi HDMI PS3 doang b. akan muncul pesan di cucur “a HDMI cable has been connected” pilih saja yes c. sekiranya wanti-wanti tersebut lain unjuk maka dilayar menu TV membeda-bedakan Display Setting, lalu pilih Video Output dan ikuti langkah-persiapan nya. d. jika ancang tersebut tidak bisa dilakukan maka masuklah ke Recovery Kecondongan seperti cara yang disebutkan sebelumnya adv amat pilih Restart PS3 maka setelah PS3 umur pula. Akan muncul kembali“a HDMI cable has been connected” silam pilih yes. Biaya siluman & pemecahan keburukan nan saya tulis berdasarkan masalah yang saya alami, jika kedepan nya ada lagi masalah tak dan saya bisa temukan solusi nya maka posting ini akan diupdate Member Joined May 3, 2018 Messages 910 Likes Received 372 Trophy Points 97 Gender Male Occupation Well, School Location Sweden Whenever I try to launch Watch Dogs, it will load up as usual, I choose language, it says loading down in the corner aaaaand big message saying "Game Data is corrupt or Damaged, please reinstall" or something like that, cant remember quite right. But it is a PSN game, so there is no game data, I have no save files and I even tried rebuilding database. Still, the same shit happens, I tried with disc game too, same shit. I think it might be because I am on DEX, cause last time I played it was fine and I was on CEX back then. ID is NPEB-01433 So, anyone got a clue to what problem this might be?, it has never happened with any other game, really annoying. Delete and re-install the data. I get that from time to time on certain games, deleting and re-installing it normally sorts the job out. Member Joined May 3, 2018 Messages 910 Likes Received 372 Trophy Points 97 Gender Male Occupation Well, School Location Sweden Well, I am answering myself now. Problem is fixed. I have a secondary profile in which I mainly make GT6 Hybrids and like cheat on every game I have in which Watch Dogs have never been launched on, so I launched the game on this profile and this time it said "Installing Trophies to HDD" and thats when I understood my Watch Dogs trophies are broken on my main profile. Cause when switching to DEX from CEX, all my trophies got broken and I had to delete them so that they could be reinstalled. But all games got stuck at loading trophies screens, so I immediately understood I had to remove the Trophies, thus losing all trophies but I dont care about them so it doesnt matter. Watch Dogs on the other hand got stuck at "Corrupt or damaged Game Data", which makes you think of actual Game Data, not Trophies. But as it turns out, Trophies is also considered Game Data. So if anyone else gets this problem just delete trophies fresh Member Joined Sep 7, 2018 Messages 91 Likes Received 26 Trophy Points 37 A thread [SOLVED] would be nice Greets. Berion Developer Joined Feb 3, 2015 Messages 7,282 Likes Received 7,303 Trophy Points 797 Gender Male Location Poland Maybe it is solved but reason wasn't switching DEX-CEX because I have properly working trophies, mixed from CEX and DEX flagged across fw up to And they even synchronizing with SEN. Sometimes games breaking trophy index during updating existing global index or sometimes local index. For some reason, in unknown circumstances... It is wise to making backups if those are important data for You. Normally for me its after using a mod menu on BO2, it sometimes corrupts the trophy data, sometimes just deleting the trophies works, sometimes the disc back up and trophies have to be deleted and then copied back to the HDD. Berion Developer Joined Feb 3, 2015 Messages 7,282 Likes Received 7,303 Trophy Points 797 Gender Male Location Poland I never heard of that before. Thanks God I never use such hacks. ^^ Only ever really happens on BO2, sometimes a few others, and very rarely happens, but is always after using a mod menu and one that has required the EBOOT to be swapped out for a different one. If you use say BO2 GSC Injector for PS3 then this doesn't happen. I have never been able to figure out why it does this at such random times and with only certain menus. There's nothing wrong with hacking like this, I only do it for fun in private custom games. Cheating in Public games is for noobs and pussies lol. All my trophies are synced with PSN, but it is a pain when you have to re do it because it been corrupted. Corrupted trophies uses to happen because the game crashes exactly while it was either installing or updating the trophies It happened to me a few times too, while trying to boot "experimental" ripped games where i removed some files of the game to make it smaller This is why in case of weird problems... i use to say is needed to delete -gamedata -savedata -trophies -also... boot a different game to clear the cache hdd partition, because sometimes corrupted files are copyed there After that deletions the game "should" boot fine psykosis Developer Developer Joined Dec 7, 2014 Messages 1,608 Likes Received 1,140 Trophy Points 272 I find that staying off DEX keeps my console running perfectly. Sounds like that's what snowballed the problem you have. hmm....trophies can be a big culprit. try deleting those, then reinstalling. Ri-q-A Forum Noob Joined Nov 15, 2021 Messages 16 Likes Received 4 Trophy Points 7 Gender Male What about me getting this error in the first boot of a game? Share This Page Home Home Forums Forums Resources Resources Members Members Menu A PS3 hard drive can develop corrupted data, as it happens to any computerized device. Various errors within the system result in the corruption of your PS3. The errors can result from physical damages, the sudden crash of the system, or maybe bad sectors within the system. To get rid of the PS3 corruption, you will need to dimensi the system. Formatting the system is the easiest way to fix a corrupted PS3 hard drive. However, formatting results in a permanent loss of the system’s data. Several developed software can be installed to help you retrieve your lost data on formatting your device. Causes of PlayStation hard drive corruption There are several reasons why you will need to format your device. Some of the reasons include; Poor functioning conditions- For an effective operation of your system, it will need specific working conditions, increasing its lifespan. Severe conditions like high humidity levels, power surges and excess heat will damage the system. Faults caused by the manufacturer are expected to release a device with some mistakes or needs to be updated for effective functioning. If this happens, then there are several faults on the hard drive, then formatting can help solve the problems. One can always check for updates from the particular manufacturers’ websites and get the latest improvements. Damage from a virus- Some programmed viruses end up causing lots of damage to your system. The virus may delete various vital data from your PlayStation or encrypt some confidential information. This calls for the formatting of the device to remove such viruses. Buggy software- Software bugs in PS3 hard drives end up corrupting essential files in the system if the buggy software accesses the files. It is always vital to ensure that the buggy software is eliminated earlier before getting access to the admin section. If accessed, it can cause you a lot. How to fix a corrupted PS3 without losing data Formatting the PlayStation hard drive will remove any information in the system permanently. It is not apparent that you will have to format your PS3 to solve the issue. You can still fix the problem without formatting the system. Below is an outlined process on how to go about it without formatting your PS3 hard drive; Step 1 Scan the PlayStation for viruses Scanning for any possible viruses entails using the Windows Defender, available in most Windows operating system versions. Windows Defender performs even better than most inkompatibel-virus software options available for download. Follow the guidelines below when using Windows Defender ; In the windows search box, type windows security and press the enter key. A list of menu options display. Choose the virus and threat protection’ option. Under the quick scan option, select scan options. It displays various scanning options. Check for possible viruses by clicking the full scan’ option, then select scan now.’ The above steps help you scan for viruses in your PS3 system. Step 2 Fix errors using the CHKDSK command tool The term CHKDSK is a representation for check disk.’ It is a command tool that checks for errors in your disc and corrects them. Once the errors have been fixed, you can now access the PS3 hard drive, even without any formatting. Below is how to use the CHKDSK command tool; From the windows search box, type cmd’. It opens the command prompt app. Choose the Run as administrator option. The PS3 hard drive being fixed is usually assigned with a specific letter. From the display, substitute X’ with the specific hard drive letter. Press the enter key. After the substitution, give the CHKDSK some time to finish. The command line checks for any errors or bad sectors and fixes them. The process usually takes some time to finish, though it depends on the hard drive size. Step3 Replacement of corrupted system files with SFC SFC is a windows tool that helps in fixing corrupted files in any system. It is capable of accessing your PS3 hard drive and restoring any corrupted system files. Follow the steps below to ensure replacement of the corrupted system files with SFC; From the taskbar’s search box, type cmd’. A pop-up command prompt app displays. Choose the Run as administrator option. Type the SFC/scan now’ command on the displayed page. Give the SFC process some time to finish, which may take up to an hour or more than one hour. Step 4 Recover your system files To recover all your system files, you will have to use software designed for data recovery. For this case, I would recommend you to use the Disk Drill software as it can hold all types of system files. Disk Drill offers a free file recovery of up to 500 MB, which is very large. Follow the following steps when using Disk Drill; The first step is to get the Disk Drill and install it. Hook your PS3 hard drive to a PC. Present the Disk Drill, then choose the PS3 drive and finally search for lost data. The scanning takes some time. Wait for the process to finish. A list of files is displayed. Choose the ones you would like to recover and click then click the recover’ button, usually at the bottom of the displayed page. Choose the location you would like to restore your data and click OK. PS3 hard drive corruption symptoms Several symptoms can be recognized in a corrupted system, which may include; Strange noises from your hard drive. Missing or illegible files. Poor hard drive performance. The system might titinada recognize the hard drive. Conclusion The hard drive is the most crucial part of any PlayStation. It can, however, develop corrupted data with time. Buggy software, unfavourable working conditions and manufacturer’s faults are significant causes of hard drive corruption. However, the masalah can be eliminated from the system, as explained in the above article. Formatting to eliminate the various errors in the system can result in a permanent loss of system files. Therefore, it is recommended that you use the above-discussed steps to fix any problems in your PS3, and the process won’t lose your data. It is also vital to regularly back up your system’s files to a different device for easy retrieval if your PS3 hard drive fails to work ultimately.

cara mengatasi corrupted data ps3